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About Us

Council Of Education And Skill  Development has organised vocational courses in the field of Teaching in Education, in Computer Science, Vocational Training & in Retail Management. Thousands of Study Centre all over the country are availing the benefit of such courses & youth are getting bright placements. Council is Training Provider of  National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD) & affiliations include National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and 12 government sector skill councils.  Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana ( PMKVY ) is an apex organisation under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, , Government of India engaged in Training, Consultancy, Research and Publication, in order to promote entrepreneurship. Council has provided training to 21415 persons as of March 31, 2017 through 445 different training programmes since inception . The Council has been certified as an ISO 9001: 2008 Our aim is to impart sound skills with continuous improvement and achieve complete student satisfaction in providing high end technical training and development on emerging technologies in the Council.


We believes if we educate Women and Youth of this country then this country will grow tremendously. Trust is founded in 2013 under act 1976. This trust works on the many programs in which our motto is to educate the women of villages and to provide them employment. So women of rural areas can be independent. This trust believes that Women of rural areas are not house wife they are “Domestic Engineers”.

We have launched more than 60 Silai Centers in different villages and planning to launch 100 more. We have given employment to 60+ women of rural areas and educating more than 600 women and girls. This is a great start towards the social work. We are planning to launch so many programs in more than 200 villages to educate and employ the people.

If you want to be our volunteer then you can contact us and do not forget to mention your mob no

  • For the spreading of education of democracy among the Adult men and women of rural area by helping for availing books, economic help and give them any type of help for getting education.
  • Arrange maximum possible ways for the spreading of Moral, physical, spiritual democratic education in the rural people.
  • Keeping the real good elements of life in mind, to provide emotionally sound and good entertainment viz. Music, Dance and Drama like activities for fulfillment of good emotions of people.
  • Physical, Mental and All round development of youth without considering Caste, Religion and Politics and to unite them, to create feelings of brotherhood and co-operation.
  • To arrange creative programmes in the village at various intervals and to arouse high feelings for the work among the youth.
  • To arouse interest in the youth regarding working for the public and welfare of the common people.
  • To start Adult Education Classes and Night Schools for uneducated rural people to eradicate the illiteracy.

Reach and Scale

Council runs 270 centres across 11 states and 47 districts in India, with a placement rate of nearly 60%. More than 12400 students will be trained till march 2017. We have also developed partnerships with a large number of employers to offer entry-level jobs to our graduates.

General Objecive

• To evolve standardised materials and processes for selection, training, support and sustenance of entrepreneurs, potential and existing.

• To help/support and affiliate institutions/organisations in carrying out training and other entrepreneurship development related activities.

• To serve as an apex national level resource institute for accelerating the process of entrepreneurship development ensuring its impact across the country and among all strata of the society.

• To provide vital information and support to trainers,promoters and entrepreneurs by organising research and documentation activities relevant to entrepreneurship development.

• To train trainers, promoters and consultants in various areas of entrepreneurship development.

• To offer consultancy nationally/internationally for promotion of entrepreneurship and small business development.

• To provide national/international forums for interaction and exchange of experiences helpful for policy formulation and modification at various levels.

• To share international experience and expertise in entrepreneurship development.

• To share experience and expertise in entrepreneurship development across national frontiers.

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