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Silai Center Program

To make women self-independent, the Council of Education has started to give PMKVY Silai center for efficient training. 

These courses are designed to promote women’s empowerment & skill development, especially in unemployed youth. So, by learning these courses, younger generations will be able to start their establishment or find placements. A skill learned efficiently can generate a good source of revenue. 

We provide learnings in Silai work through the PMKVY tailoring course. These PMKVY courses have some unique specialties and the duration varies according to study structure. 

The first course is named as Cutting & Tailoring Programme. It is held for a time duration of 6 months. There are 300 training hours in which you will be guided at best. You must be 10th passed to apply for this particular program. 

The second course involves dress designing. It is a 6 months duration course in which there will be 300 training hours. You will get a complete skill to design a dress in this particular course. You must be 10th qualified to enroll in this study course. 

The third course is about EDP on Stitching and Embroidery. It is a short term course which runs for 7 days. There will be 24 training hours in which you will practically learn stitching and embroidery. The eligibility criteria are 10th pass. 

The fourth course teaches fashion designing. You can acquire skills related to fashion designing in 120 robust hours. It is a 45 days training program in which you will get excellent guidance. You are required to get a 10th pass certificate to register for a seat under this curriculum. This is also one of the best courses you will ever enroll in PMKVY Silai center. 

The fifth course includes learnings about hand embroidery. It is held for 2 months in which the detailed knowledge will be covered by trainers. There will be 200 training hours that will be conducted in 2 months time span. You must have completed your 10th standard studies to fill an application form for this course. 

The sixth course is related to garment manufacturing. It is a long-term PMKVY course duration which will be held for 6 months. There will be 300 training hours wherein you will learn key things related to the course. You are supposed to qualify your 10th standard to book a seat in this course structure. 

The seventh course on the list involves garment-making, in which you will be taught sewing, weaving, and tailoring. It is a 3 months duration course which covers detailed things related to garment-making. You will be perfected by teaching every detailed aspect. 

You should have completed your 10th standard studies to register your name in this course. There will be 250 training hours. By practically learning these PMKVY  courses, you can surely flourish in your career journey. You will get the right skill.

Lastly, the eighth course is named Tailor(Basic sewing operator). In this program, you will learn the basic sewing that every tailor does. By learning it, you can develop your skills further. It will be a 6 months training program in which there will be 280 training hours. You must qualify for the 10th examination to apply for it in PMKVY Silai center.

These were the basic PMKVY course details that you must know before you apply. 

If you wish to get detailed knowledge, then you can get in touch with the Council of Education. It is a reputed PMKVY center in India that aims to provide effective training to youth. Also, you can find better placement options after completing the course. 

Considering the current employment scenarios in India, it is seen that many individuals lack relevant skills. To overcome it, the government has made a step towards skilling Indian youth. Now it’s your turn to put a step forward towards a brighter future for yourself and the economy. 

We are running Silai Centers in 260+ villages. In these centers we train ladies and improve their Silai skills so they can be independent. After completion of the course we also provide certification of the course.

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